Cross Laminated Timber

125_2525_10688Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) is an innovative yet well-proven building material that permits fast and efficient construction of all types of commercial and residential buildings.  For two decades, our partners have been researching, manufacturing, and improving CLT for implementation in thousands of structures.  It is fast to erect, environmentally sustainable, performs well and represents an important outlet for the forest industry, all without disrupting the existing value chain.

Manufactured with the environment in mind, CLT offers a suitable and comparable building solution to structures that previous could only be constructed with steel and concrete.

See Our Cross Laminated Timber Projects
About Cross Laminated Timber
  • Certified Building System – 2015 IBC Code Compliance
  • Strong – Structural characteristics similar to concrete and steel
  • Rapid Assembly allows for a shorter timeline of construction
  • Precision elements / Quality Control / 1-2mm tolerances
  • Lighter than masonry or concrete – subsurface benefits
  • Resistances to Fire, Seismic Activity, Hurricanes
  • Safe – Better work environments for sub-contractors, less impact on site.
  • Less generated waste due to factory production
  • Flexible material – easily changed on site.
  • Workforce needs less skilled experience to assemble.
  • Cost effective when compared to concrete and steel construction.
  • Fabricated using wood planks from small diameter trees and bonded with structural adhesives, CLT represents a breakthrough in the building industry that allows for a strong, stable, resistant and friendly product for your development needs. Cross lamination creates uniform strength and allows ultimate flexibility in design not previously seen with wood products.
  • Large spans, cantilevers and load bearing qualities make usage even in high-rise applications attainable.
  • Solid timber characteristics allow for excellent fire, earthquake and hurricane resistances through the inherent attributes of timber alone.
  • More durable and stable than solid timber. Engineered manufacturing provides for precise fabrications that minimize swelling, shrinkage, warp and creep to a negligible level.
  • Shell erection takes place in hours/days instead of weeks/months. Precise factory production relies on up-front information to maximize on-site time to its fullest efficiencies.
  • Typical superstructure erection times can generally garner large monetary savings by avoiding costly interest and carry for extended periods. Elements are assembled and erected once….not multiple times with unskilled and unreliable laborers.
  • Higher performing building envelopes allow for substantial lifetime savings in energy and maintenance costs. Trained erection crews assemble the structure with the education and knowledge that the building should last for centuries, not just decades, and special care is taken at every step to ensure quality.
  • Ability to provide a water-tight structure quickly allows for workers to start in a covered environment sooner, avoiding excessive use of tarps, heat tents, or other temporary methods of cover.
  • Wood: The only fully renewable heavy duty building material. No waste in production of CLT products.
  • A growing forest absorbs 1.4 tons of carbon for every ton of wood produced, and harvested trees sequester carbon in its solid form. A building constructed with 100m3 of CLT offsets the equivalent annual emissions of 470 cars. Life cycle assessments (LCA) show that wood has the lowest environmental impact of all the building materials and has the unique virtue of being the only building material that is 100% sustainable.
  • While most people are aware that North American forests help to address climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, less well known is the fact that wood products continue to store carbon, thus keeping it out of the atmosphere indefinitely. Substituting wood products for fossil fuel-intensive alternatives also results in significant amounts of “avoided” greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Responsible harvesting of our timber resources makes a mature tree an exemplary product to use in most facets of our vast building industry.
View the Specifications
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